Nice Surprises

by Renee Allen

Happy 4th, y'all!  Everyone be safe and avoid saying things like, "Hold my beer and watch this!"   Don't drink and play with fire, people!  ;)

I had a couple of really fun surprises this week that I wanted to share.  One of the fabulous artists from our B'Sue Creative Group on Facebook, Marit Meijer, shared a beautiful piece she just finished.  She was inspired by all those cork pics I've been blogging about and decided to bling up a champagne cork.  Check it out!! 

2013 - Fairy Champagne Cork Necklace-01.jpg

I've been perusing Marit's blog and man oh man, does she have some gorgeous creations.   She blogs about her jewelry, scrapbooking, collage and all sorts of beautiful crafts.  She also makes a material list under each of the projects.  How cool is that?   Marit, I LOVE this necklace and you've taken the humble cork to an entirely new level.  Nice job!  And thank you for the shout out, I really appreciate it.  -r xoxo


The other nice surprise is in the form of a beautifully produced E-zine called Bead Chat, developed by Melinda Orr and Artisan Whimsy.   I'm featured, along with several of the talented members of the B'Sue Creative Group, on pages 43-44 with our chatelaine challenge and some of the kitchen sink pieces that we all love.  

Terry Endebrock, Joan Williams of lilruby and Catherine Shattuck of Cate's Emporium have their beautiful pieces featured as well!  Good job, ladies! 

I love the beachy creations that are featured in this month's issue and thank Brenda Sue for being so kind in submitting some of my work.  You are the best, Miss B'Sue