Goodwill Surprise

by Renee Allen

Happy Monday, y'all.   I hope everyone is keeping cool.  We're um... not.   Unseasonably hot weather + no air conditioning = blech.   

On a much cooler note, a work colleague brought me a Goodwill jar o' goodies today.  Yippee!  It was crammed full of broken costume jewelry - some old, vintage and cool, some contemporary and feh, some fun and kitschy and some just plain fugly.  

I couldn't wait to get home and separate the different categories.  I love doing this, don't you?    I find it so relaxing and the piles sort of sorted themselves out this way:

Vintage, classic, nice patinas, grandma beads, rich colors, and bling.   

Vintage, classic, nice patinas, grandma beads, rich colors, and bling.   

Pearls, pearls and more pearls.  Throw in some glass beads and silver and you have classic, quiet elegance. 

Pearls, pearls and more pearls.  Throw in some glass beads and silver and you have classic, quiet elegance. 

And now for something completely different.  Color!  Kitsch! Fun!  How awesome are those old plastic beads?  And why there are a dozen pairs of strawberry and yellow stripy earrings in this batch, we'll never know... but aren't t…

And now for something completely different.  Color!  Kitsch! Fun!  How awesome are those old plastic beads?  And why there are a dozen pairs of strawberry and yellow stripy earrings in this batch, we'll never know... but aren't they fun?  :) 

Aaaaaaand the stuff I couldn't get to because it was: 1.  A Tangled Mess or  2. Fugly.

Aaaaaaand the stuff I couldn't get to because it was: 1.  A Tangled Mess or  2. Fugly.

All these goodies were crammed into a floral vase.  Thank you, E, for thinking of me and I can't wait to make something with all this fun!

Speaking of fun and kitschy, I made this thing yesterday.  I don't know what it is, I don't know why there's a lamb, but it makes me ridiculously happy for some odd reason. 

   -r xoxo
