Bead "Lanterns"

by Renee Allen

Happy Sunday, y'all! 

My latest project has been something that I had pinned a while back and have wanted to try.   I've been intrigued by this picture for a while.  According to the pin, these creations are made by Janice Berkebile.  Aren't they fabulous?!  The classes were from 2010 and held in Ohio, so I was on my own to figure out how to create my own version.  :)

I had a quiet afternoon yesterday, so I pulled out some wire, bead caps and some of my favorite beads and tried my hand at these whimsical lovelies. 

Stuff used for the lanterns:  Pliers, wire, beads, headpins, bead caps. 

Stuff used for the lanterns:  Pliers, wire, beads, headpins, bead caps. 

So, after a little deconstructing in my head, I came up with my version.  They're rough and rudimentary and nowhere near the level of Janice's originals, but loads of fun to do.  My wire working skills could do with some practice and some of the combinations are a little crazy, but I love the overall look to these.  They have a kind of fairybook meets birdcage meets The Mikado feel to them. 

Funky little lanterns

Funky little lanterns

Don't ask how many times I had to redo this to get the seed beads on.   It was a bit like putting together an IKEA cabinet.  xD

Don't ask how many times I had to redo this to get the seed beads on.   It was a bit like putting together an IKEA cabinet.  xD

So there you have it.  Another experiment that I'm not sure to do with next.  Bah!  LOL!  I think I will make a "Mikado" necklace (once I find my fan charms).  Hope you enjoyed the post and encourage you to try your hand at making these.  They were super fun! 



August Issue of Bead Chat

by Renee Allen

Happy Friday, y'all! 

The newest issue of Bead Chat is out and several of my favorite artisans are included.  Donna Millard makes art glass beads that will make you drool with her unique use of artful and whimsical color and pattern.   Please visit her Etsy  store, blog and Facebook page when you get the chance.  

B'Sue's pages feature our July challenge "The Music is You" and included my fun souvenir spoon necklace (Thanks for the shout out, Brenda!), Jann Tague of Clever Design's award-worthy beaded collar necklace, Judy Jones King of VintageFairJewelry's gorgeous polymer clay and mixed media coral beauty, Irene Hoffman's fun and colorful flower collage and Brenda's own lovely creation that includes a fabulous tassel - she even included a video this week to show you how to make your own!  I have to do a tassel necklace soon - they look like too much fun!

Marcia Tuzzolino of Aurora Designs is featured using her skill and artistry with Iced Enamels and mixed media and Cindy Cima Edwards has a great tutorial using Iced Enamels for a charm bracelet!   Terry Matuszyk of Pink Chapeau  has a beautiful leather necklace and Joan Williams of lilruby's beautiful work is featured as well.   Well done, everyone!

I love this e-magazine.  There's so much information crammed in an issue with really practical information for jewelry artisans with none of those annoying cards begging for subscriptions.   Y'all go show Bead Chat some looooooooooove.   :D