Adventures in Polymer Clay

by Renee Allen

Happy Saturday, y'all!

I promise to blog about my fun weekend in Ohio with Christi and Brenda, but I have to get me pics in order. I'll post an update once I'm organized!  x


On The Road

by Renee Allen

Happy Thursday, Y'all!

It's been ages since I wrote a blog post and a ton has happened in that time. Between travel,  jobthatpaysmortgage:), and several family events, my jewelry making has taken a brief vacation. That ends tomorrow as I'm Ohio-bound to meet up with several buddies for a polymer clay event at B'Sue's! This is the first time many of us will meet up and we have Brenda to thank for graciously providing this fantastic opportunity. I feel like I know so many of these talented artists already, it will be a thrill to finally meet and laugh with all of them.

Christi Friesen is one of the premier polymer clay artists of our time. Go check her art out, y'all - it's stunning. I can tell the woman is funny by her creations. There is so much whimsy and charm in each of her pieces and I can't wait to meet her and learn what I can. I've never touched polymer clay, so I have NO idea what I'm doing. I love the adventure of learning something totally new!

I promise to take lots of pics and videos and post them here. Stay tuned!

Cluttered table, cluttered mind

by Renee Allen

Cannot get anything to click right now. I'm trying to keep several plates spinning these days and haven't had the time to spend playing. I hope to finish some pieces this week come hell or high water.

cluttered table.jpg