Hi all,
I thought I would write about what influenced my color choice for the piece I designed in the B'Sue Creative Group design challenge for June. Our group is working on making chatelaines. What are those? Let Brenda Sue Lansdowne, owner of B'Sue Boutiques, explain.
So... had the challenge, bought some fabulous Russian Gold Plated finished brass from Brenda and had seen a wonderful interior color combo on a recent trip that caught my eye.
Big Spring, Texas is home to the fabulous and recently-restored Hotel Settles and the Grand Ballroom is one of its jewels. Here are a couple of shots I took while we were guests.
I realized that I had seen this combo before very recently. Check out the drawing room in Downton Abbey. :)
Hey, it's even used on my favorite line of candles complete with frilly filigree! (although this a bit more blue than green, I suppose).... . Check it out:
So there you have it. I designed my chatelaine with this color combo in mind: a light green that has a lot of yellow in it, luscious and rich Russian Gold plated brass and creamy white pearls. Apart from the bee that is encased in Ice Resin, it has a very vintage and old-fashioned look to it. The pearl pin attached by a chain is repurposed and has not been altered from its original state. Hope you like it and thanks for reading. -r xoxo
Chatelaine in French Green, Gold and White