Gem Faire was this weekend at the Tacoma Dome so I went shopping! Take a look....
I also picked up findings and chain and some beautiful sterling Tibetan charms. I can't wait to have a little time to play with all these new goodies.
by Renee Allen
Gem Faire was this weekend at the Tacoma Dome so I went shopping! Take a look....
I also picked up findings and chain and some beautiful sterling Tibetan charms. I can't wait to have a little time to play with all these new goodies.
by Renee Allen
Got ball?
by Renee Allen
From March 9th:
Worked tonight on some pieces to abandon tomorrow. I can't wait!
"Art Abandonment is a group designed to encourage random acts of art, left in various locations around the globe. The idea is that folks can make something and leave it for a lucky unsuspecting person to find. Artists can then post locations and photos of abandoned goodies…and finders can let everyone know that they are the lucky finder! O' sweet abandon!
So leave some art. Leave a contact email for the finder…and if you get notified share the message with this group. If you prefer you can use the contact email: we'll be checking it often and share the results."
Here's an intro page on Typepad for full explanation:
Squee! I got a response that night! I loved response #1, too, don't you? xD I will definitely be doing this again.